全自动干洗机省油省时 广州干洗机厂家直销 GXQ系列环保型全封闭全自动干洗机对四氯乙烯回收彻底,对外排泄低,是一款省油省时的经济型设备。 GXQ series of environmentally friendly closed automatic cleaning machines for recycling completely PCE, low outside excretion, is an economical fuel-saving device. 本产品采用变频调速技术,可灵活地选择适合各类衣物的洗涤,脱液速度,对衣物起到良好的保护作用;采用制冷技术对进缸溶剂的温度进行控制,将更适宜于对皮草类织物的干洗;设备配置高效制冷组,辅以热泵系统,烘干时间短,耗能降低。先进的大屏幕电脑控制器具有强大的操作功能,人性化的构思,完善的故障显示功能,更安全、方便用户操作。 This product uses the frequency conversion technology, the flexibility to select the washing for all types of clothing, take off fluid velocity, the clothes play a good protection; using refrigeration technology into the cylinder to control the temperature of the solvent, will be more suitable for fur class fabric dry; device Configuration efficient refrigeration group, supplemented by a heat pump system, the drying time is short, energy consumption is reduced. Advanced large-screen computer controller with powerful operating functions, humane idea, perfect fault display, more secure, user-friendly operation. 型号 GXQ-8 容量kg 8 滚筒容积L 137 洗涤转速r/min 34 甩干转速r/min 370 加热功率kw 4.8 电源V 220/380 尺寸mm 1750×1150×1950 重量kg 700 广州市力净洗涤机械有限公司 联系人:黄小姐 咨询热线: 客服Q 我公司所有产品内胆均采用316不锈钢,外壳(不锈钢)均采用304不锈钢,电机、变频器、轴承等均是采用行业较好的,我们的机器耐用十几年以上,且质量有**,我们出口的产品均没什么售后反馈,所以请各位放心采购!