该机性能稳定,经济实用,经包装后的衣服能有效的防止灰尘、油渍的污染。塑料袋包装可任意调节长度。适用于衬衣、风雨衣、西服、西裤及各种挂式时装的包装。是服装洗涤公司不了缺少的设备,是各大服装生产、销售公司服装展示厅的理想工具。 Stable machine performance, economical and practical, as packaged clothes can effectively prevent the contamination of dust, grease. Plastic bags can be adjusted in length. Suitable for shirts, raincoats, suits, trousers and various hanging fashion packaging. Is not the lack of clothes washing equipment company, is the ideal tool for the major garment production, sales of clothing showrooms. 型号 BZ-6 电压V 220 尺寸mm 760×600×1700 重量kg 7.2 我公司生产的产品主要出口欧洲市场,产品质量除通过了ISO90001认证外,还通过了欧盟的CE认证。及出口各项检测报告。 广州市力净洗涤机械有限公司 联系人:黄小姐 咨询热线: 客服QQ: