高档理想蒸汽烫台 吸风熨烫整烫去渍一体 1、汇聚先进的工艺结构和制作技术,集吸风、鼓风熨烫,去渍功能于一体的多功能高档熨烫台,用于各类高档衣物的烫染,使烫染质量显着提高,并有效防止衣物表面集光。 2、配有冷热去渍枪和不锈钢去渍台面,在熨烫过程中,可随时进行去渍处理,提高功效、方便快捷。 3、自带全自动蒸汽发生器,*外接蒸汽,参气快、用电省,安全使用,是熨烫高档衣物理想的多功能烫台。 1, the convergence of advanced production technology and process structure, set suction, blowing ironing, scouring features multifunctional upscale ironing, for all kinds of high-end clothing perm, perm make quality improved significantly, and effectively prevent light clothing collection surface. 2, equipped with hot and cold spotting gun countertops and stainless steel scouring, during ironing, they can always be scouring treatment, improve efficiency, and convenient. 3, comes with automatic steam generator, no external steam, quick reference gas, electricity provinces, safe to use, high-end clothing is ideal for multi-purpose ironing table. 型号 DGN 电压V 220 电机功率kw 0.55 电加热功率kw 3.5 尺寸mm 1900×760×1880 广州市力净洗涤机械有限公司主要生产全悬浮式全自动工业洗衣机、隔离式洗涤脱水机、卧洗机、立洗机、脱水机、全自动烘干机、多滚组合式烫平机、干洗机、烫台、洗脱烘一体机等洗衣房设备。 联系人:黄小姐 咨询热线: 客服Q